Our Wimbledon Caption Competition – Week 1!

All you need to do is think of a funny or clever caption for this image of Jeremy Corbyn addressing the Wimbledon crowd on Henman Hill / Murray Mound!

Thanks for getting into the Wimbledon spirit with our caption competition, we had great fun reading all of the comments! 

Congratulations to Paul from Yorkshire who commented with the winning caption from week 1:

“This year the men’s final will be held on the new ‘Left of Centre Court!” 

 Keep an eye on the post, your prizes are on the way!


  1. Spectator saying=”Blimey,you`d think Clare Balding would have a shave before appearing on TV”.

  2. “Thank you, here’s one you might know”………….

    and now the end is near
    and so I face the final curtain

  3. Thank goodness JC’s here, if it was Mrs May the tennis would be stalled by constant shouts of OUT!

  4. Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don’t look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you’re under. You will tick the box that says Labour . Three, two, one… You’re back in the room.

  5. LET me take the ADVANTAGE, Its all a RACKET just look at their NET worth? I can BREAK them I can SMASH them.

  6. By Working with a coalition of Quarter Finalists I can still be Wimbledon Champion in a couple of weeks time!

  7. “Urmm hello, we appear to have misplaced our magic money tree, if anyone has any information on its whereabouts please call me on 077… – ps WENGER OUT!”

  8. Sadly, there’s nothing funny about me but rest assured, everyone will win under Labour. Everyone will be equal. Everyone will have to pay for it, just like you’re still paying for the 18 years of the Blair & Brown reign. Get real Jesa!

  9. “On behalf of myself and Diane Abbott we’d like to welcome you all to the the “National Swingers Championships” This year there will be strictly no creaming Diane’s strawberries! – Fully costed strawberries I might add”!

  10. Murray is leading by err… 15 love, or it is 30? I’ll ask Diane Abbott, she’s good with numbers.

  11. “You used to be sitting on a mountain, then it was a hill, now it’s only a mound…….all of this under the leadership of the Tories”

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