We think you will really like the new NEW Parcel & Consignment Tracking feature we have added to the account management page on the JGBM website.
You can now easily search and find the parcel tracking numbers of your recent orders. Track your JGBM consignments on-line and find out where your parcel is, or the date and time of delivery including the recipients name. It’s fairly self explanatory, but if you get stuck, follow the simple steps below.
Step One: To begin tracking, simply click the PARCEL TRACKING button to open your recent orders.
Step Two: You can select from a list of the most recent orders or use the search function to search using the Invoice or PO Number of the order you would specifically like to track.
Step Three: Once the order has opened, a link to the tracking information can be found against each individual item. Click the link and it will take you through to the Couriers tracking website which will display information on the date and time of delivery and the recipients name.