Wrap up the year with some festive fun! Join in with our Christmas Quiz with a chance to WIN a Luxury Devon Hamper, a Leitz TruSens SMART Air Purifier or A Leitz Ergo Cosy Foot Rest – Sponsored by ACCO Brands!
The highest scores will be entered into a prize draw to win the Devon Hamper. All other entries will go into a separate draw for the Leitz Air Purifier and the Leitz Ergo Cosy Foot Rest – Sponsored by ACCO Brands : Leitz, Rexel, Kensington, nobo, GBC, Rapid, Ibico, Xyron

Note: You can rate the Christmas Quiz by clicking the stars **** on the results page and feel free to leave us a comment if you’d like. Wishing you a Merry Christmas from all of us at JGBM!